Electronic Payment Options

Payment Choices

Credit/Debit Card

What information do I need to make a credit/debit card payment?

Is there a fee?

There is a convenience fee for the use of this service. The fee is calculated as $2.00 for every $100.00 increment of your tax payment.

Example of fee calculation:
$2.00 for payment amounts of $.01 to $100.00
$4.00 for payment amounts of $100.01 to $200.00
$6.00 for payment amounts of $200.01 to $300.00

How do I submit my payment?

You will be prompted through a series of screens that will require you to complete a return or payment application and furnish credit/debit card account information. You will be provided a confirmation page that you should print and save for your records that will contain a confirmation number.

What if I change my mind after I have completed the credit/debit card transaction?

If you make a payment by credit/debit card and later decide to reverse the transaction, you will need to contact your bank to cancel the transaction. However, you may be subject to penalties, interest or other fees imposed by the Department of Revenue for nonpayment or late payment of tax.

How will I know the Department has received my payment?

You will receive an email from the Department within two business days from submission of your payment information. The email will contain the same confirmation number that is displayed on the confirmation page that you print for your records. This email will also contain a Document Locator Number. You should retain the email for your records and you should provide these numbers if you contact the Department for assistance with your payment.

When will my payment be effective?

All transactions submitted prior to 5:00 pm EST will be effective the following banking day.

What if I make an overpayment of my tax liability using my credit/debit card?

If the Department determines an overpayment has been made, a refund check will be mailed to you. The convenience fee will not be refunded.

Is my information safe?

Safety measures are in place to protect your information. No one can read your tax information while it is being sent to us. The web site and your data are secured with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and 128-bit encryption.

Who can I contact for assistance concerning my electronic payment?

For additional assistance, contact the Electronic Services Help Line Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm EST at 1-877-308-9103.

Bank Draft

How do I authorize a bank draft?

You authorize the Department of Revenue to draft the bank account for the payment amount specified on the web form by providing your bank account information.

Is there a fee?


How do I submit my payment?

You will be prompted through a series of screens that will require you to complete a return or payment application and furnish bank account information. You will be provided a confirmation page that you should print and save for your records that will contain a confirmation number.

How will I know the Department has received my payment?

You will receive an email from the Department within two business days from submission of your payment information. The email will contain the same confirmation number that is displayed on the confirmation page that you print for your records. This email will also contain a Document Locator Number. You should retain the email for your records and you should provide these numbers if you contact the Department for assistance with your payment.

What information do I need to authorize a bank draft?

This example of a check can help you find your bank account number and bank routing number.
Tip! Do not use a deposit slip to find your bank numbers. It may not have the information you need.

Contact your financial institution if you need help locating your bank routing number or account number.

When will my payment be effective?

Your payment will be effective on the date you select it to be drafted from your bank account. This draft date or settlement date must be a valid banking date that does not include weekends or bank holidays. You will need to submit your payment information one banking day prior to the due date in order for the Department to receive the payment timely. Payments received beyond the due date are subject to penalty and interest.

When completing the bank draft payment screen, you will be provided with the earliest possible settlement date. This date is figured on a 5:00 pm EST cut off. In other words, if you submit your bank draft payment after 5:00 pm EST, the earliest date your payment would settle would be two business days in the future.

How far in advance can I provide you with my payment information?

You can request that your payment information be “warehoused” for up to 60 days. This means you can prepare your online payment early but have your bank account drafted at a later date. The online payment will be received by the NC Department of Revenue once your payment is drafted from your account.

What if I change my mind after I have completed the bank draft transaction?

If you make a payment by bank draft and later decide to reverse the transaction, you will need to contact your bank to cancel the transaction. However, you may be subject to penalties, interest or other fees imposed by the Department of Revenue for nonpayment or late payment of tax.

What happens if my bank does not process the bank draft?

In the event the financial institution is unable to process the transaction, you will be responsible for the tax payment and for the applicable penalties and interest. If the financial institution returns the item, the Department of Revenue will notify you of the returned item.

Will I be penalized if the item is returned?

If the item is returned for insufficient funds or unable to locate account, you will be subject to a “Penalty for Bad Electronic Funds Transfer” equal to 10% of the amount of the tax payment ranging from a minimum of $1.00 to a maximum of $1,000.00.

Is my information safe?

Safety measures are in place to protect your information. No one can read your tax information while it is being sent to us. The web site and your data are secured with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and 128-bit encryption.

Who can I contact for assistance concerning my electronic payment?

For additional assistance, contact the Electronic Services Help Line Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm EST at 1-877-308-9103.

Last modified on: 01/09/24 01:41:38 PM .